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It takes around 50 people serving each week to make our Sunday services happen and that's not considering the amount of midweek support needed to facilitate many of our ministries! We truly believe that everyone needs 'get stuck in' for church to flourish. 


Whether you've been at BEC for years or you've only just started coming, we're keen that everyone gets involved and hopefully serves in an area that they are passionate about and gifted for. If you are interested in signing up for any of our teams, please get in touch!

Generational Serving


Could you commit to a year in one of the four areas?

DANIEL - Become a spiritual Parent/ Grandparent / Sibling / Uncle or Auntie and commit to praying for specific young people.

JETHRO - Serve at 'One off' events or at 1 youth or children's Sunday group a month (no prep)

LOIS - Youth Mentoring once every 6 weeks / Weekly Life Group (no prep) / Two Sunday's a month (no prep)

PRISCILLA - Co leading a youth or children's life group / co leading at a children's Sunday group.


You would need to be a BEC member to serve with this but please get in touch if you would like to get involved or find out more information.

Kids with Capes
Youth and Children's Team


Our youth and children's teams are always in need of extra help both on Sundays and midweek. Creche and children's work is run practically every week during the 11am service and youth work runs every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. Both ministries also put on various midweek clubs and activities including toddlers. Whether you can get involved in lots of activities or just one, we'd love to hear from you!

You need to be a BEC Member to lead in either of these teams but anyone can help. Everyone serving must have completed a DBS process.



Worship Team


We have an incredible worship team who serve at all 3 of our Sunday services week in, week out. If you have a worship and musical gifting, we'd love to help you unpack it! 


As part of the worship team, we also have our production team who offer key support to our other Sunday teams in terms of sound, visuals and lighting. If you are into your tech and fancy giving this a go, do get in touch. Full training provided.


You need to be a BEC Member to lead or serve on this team.

Image by
Image by Patrick Fore
Prayer Ministry Team


Our dedicated prayer team serve at all 3 of our Sunday services, meeting to pray before each one. We usually have around 2-3 people serving at each service and space is created near the end of each one for the prayer team to minister to the congregation. If you have a passion for prayer, let us know!


You need to be a BEC Member to lead or serve on this team.



Welcome Team


We have a fantastic welcome and stewarding team who serve at our Sunday service. We tend to have 2 stewards serving at each service who look after the safety of the service, welcome people and show them to their seats.


We also have a welcome team who chat to newcomers, making them feel welcome, answering questions and introducing them to others.


You need to be a BEC Member to serve on the welcome team but anyone can serve as a steward.

Image by Aleksandra Mazur
Image by Adi Goldstein
Set-up Team


Our services wouldn’t happen without our set-up team, who set out the chairs each week. Two people from the team each week tend to meet on Saturday morning to set-up the main auditorium at the BEC Centre ready for the 10:30am service.


Anyone can serve on this team.

Seniors Team


Our seniors work continues to grow and flourish and the team are always on the lookout for new leaders and helpers. Monday Club in particular needs consistent support in terms of planning, catering and welcoming. If you are passionate about working with and blessing the older generation, do get in touch!


You need to be a BEC Member to lead in this team but anyone can help.



Image by Matthew Bennett
Image by Tim Mossholder
Men and Women's Teams


Every so often we put on breakfasts, socials and weekends away for men or women specifically. Both teams are always in need of more leaders and helpers to help facilitate these activities and events, particularly when it comes to organising a weekend away!


You need to be a BEC Member to lead in either of these teams but anyone can help.



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27 Main Street, Bilton, Rugby, CV22 7NQ

01788 817326 


Registered in England: 07296315. Registered Charity Number: 1137617. Copyright Bilton Evangelical Church 2019. All rights reserved.

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