BEC youth
Belong, Be loved, Be heard, be connected
& Grow as an apprentice of Jesus
Coming up....
15th Feb: Limitless One Event
20th Feb: Winter Walk
9th Mar: Church Lunch
12th Apr: Sleepout to Help-Out
13th April: Church lunch
19th Apr: Easter hunt
Every 1st Sunday of the month!
A2:17 is a Sunday morning event where guest speakers and youth share testimonies along with games and discussions about faith in a practical way.
We head to our Woodlands building (lifts from BEC at 10.15am)
A2:17 comes from Acts 2:17 and this event we believe God will pour out his spirit and the young will see visions and the old(er) will dream dreams!
Starts at 10.30am till 12 Noon
Limitless 2025 Early bird

Serving Sundays
Every 2nd Sunday of the month!
The Youth can serve on a team if that's the Worship, Welcome, Preaching, Coffee, Children's Work, PA

Service & Social
Every 3rd Sunday we are in the service and interacting and engaging in Gods word by our service bags (which have loads of stuff in them...including sweets). Then we head upstairs to The Den to hangout, chat about what God said in the service, and have lunch together.
Every 4th Sunday of the month, our young people meet at BEC to get a lift to our Woodland building to have doughnuts together and learn more about God though games, chatting and having a laugh. 'Decades' starts at 10.30am and lasts for the duration of the morning service. You can grab a lift from BEC at 10.15am to Woodlands and will get dropped back at the end of the service. Decades is to help young people to invest in each other and to see their faith grow for now and for decades to come. It is planned and led by the Young people themselves!

Youth Life Groups
Youth Life Groups are a place where we can ask tough questions, explore faith and what it means to be a Christian in today's culture and it is also a place to make some close friends, have a laugh and to build each other up (Proverbs 27v17).
We have multiple groups which are led by quality leaders that meet on a Monday, Wednesday or Thursday in homes and at BEC. So please get in touch and we will find the right Life Group for your child
Monday's, Wednesday's & Thursday's
Youth Socials
Youth Socials are a chance to hang out with friends and to meet new people. We have Youth Socials all throughout the year so head over to our Instagram and Facebook for more information.

Worship Nights
A great opportunity to get together with all the youth to pray and worship together. We believe that God speaks through and to our young people, and we want to create spaces for that to happen.
Once a term on a Monday
Youth Weekend Away & Other Events
Every year in September/October, all of our young people come together for an epic weekend away! It's an awesome weekend featuring wide games, camp fires, loads of fun, worship & teaching!
We have other events like Youth Alpha, Beach Days, Winter Walks, Rugby Camp, Satellites, Soul Survivor Saturday Celebrations, Girls/Lad events, Leadership training, Sleepovers and Mission Trips

We believe that when Jesus told us to love our neighbour it wasn't a metaphor, he actually wanted us to love people.
We believe church is family and intergenerational and the youth have a massive part to play.
We are also going to be serving the community by praying, doing garden projects, helping the homeless in Rugby, doing CU's in schools, bake for others and any other idea the youth come up with.